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    Charged With A Crime?

    Denver Colorado Criminal Probation Violation Defense Attorney

    Our Qualifications To Represent You

    Former Colorado State District Attorney – Prosecutor Defending You In Your Colorado Probation Violation Cases

    If you have recently been arrested for a criminal violation of probation you have a lot to be concerned about… and for good reason. The state of Colorado – as a result of multiple “law and order” judicial districts – has harsh criminal justice system.

    When you are searching for a criminal defense attorney, it’s a wise idea to select someone who is not only a defense attorney, but someone who has had a lifetime of experience as BOTH a career  Colorado Senior Trial District Attorney – (13 years) followed by a second career (16 years – as of 2013) – as the owner of an exclusive Colorado Criminal Defense Law Firm.

    H. Michael Steinberg is not your average Denver Colorado criminal defense lawyer, he is a former career prosecutor as well.

    Denver, Colorado Former Prosecutor Turned Denver, Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

    Only a former prosecutor has knowledge, the experience and the insight into how the opposition thinks and acts. As a former Colorado Career Prosecutor, attorney Steinberg knows exactly where to look for holes or flaws in his opponent’s – the prosecution’s case. Other attorneys who do not have the same type or level of experience may miss such flaws, which could be detrimental to their clients’ cases.

    H. Michael Steinberg practices strictly criminal defense in Denver, Colorado and the surrounding  Cities and Counties. When he left the Arapahoe – Douglas District Attorney’s Office, he took with him over 13 years of knowledge and experience that he had acquired along the way.

    Throughout his legal career, whether as a prosecutor or as a defense lawyer – he has earned a reputation for being an expert in Colorado Criminal Law – and for being meticulous, aggressive and tenacious in his legal representation. H. Michael is driven by results and is therefore 100% dedicated to the success of his clients.

    If you are looking for the best legal representation in your area, you cannot go wrong with a former Colorado State prosecutor with over 40 years of experience in the Criminal Courtrooms of Colorado.

    If you found the information provided on this webpage to be helpful, please click my Plus+1 button so that others may also find it.

    H. Michael Steinberg Esq.
    Attorney and Counselor at Law
    The Colorado Criminal Defense Law Firm of H. Michael Steinberg
    A Denver, Colorado Lawyer Focused Exclusively On
    Colorado Criminal Law For Over 40 Years.
    The Edward Building
    8400 East Prentice Ave, Penthouse 1500
    Greenwood Village, Colorado, 80111
    E-Mail:  [email protected]
    Primary Web Site:
    Colorado Criminal Law Blog:
    Main:  303.627.7777
    Cell:  720.220.2277
    24/7 Pager:  303.543.4433
    FAX (Toll Free):  1.877.533.6276
    Always investigate a lawyer's qualifications and experience before making a
    decision to retain that lawyer or, for that matter, any professional any field.